Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not a newborn anymore....

I can't believe how much Hunter has grown since he was born! I found this video of him a day old at the hospital, I forgot I had even taken it..what a sweet little baby..can't believe I have a 3 month old now! I love you Hunter....

Hunter telling me a story...

I love this....

Just waking up...

My favorite thing to do....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

'Tis the Season....at Shutterfly.com

So it's that time of year again...I never send out Christmas cards, but this year is obviously a special one. My little man Hunter Michael Wayne arrived...He is my whole world. I love him so much and I can't wait to enjoy his first Christmas with him. I want my Christmas cards this year to be special. I was checking out some of my favorite other mommy blogs out there and I noticed several of them mentioning Shutterfly.com for Christmas cards. I checked out the website and fell in love! They have sooo many beautiful cards I can add Hunter's pictures to and make a truly beautiful and special holiday card this year! I was thinking of using a picture from Hunter's first time visiting Santa??(We plan on doing that very soon). They also have stationary, calendars, photo books and mugs etc that you can personalize. I plan on doing other things with the thousand or so pictures of Hunter I already have, lol.  Here is the link to the holiday cards http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/holiday-cards. Also the link to creating your own calendar http://www.shutterfly.com/calendars. I love that idea, can't go wrong with seeing a new picture of Hunter every time you turn the page to a new month! Well Season's Greetings to you all and very soon I hope you all get to see Hunter's first Christmas card!!

Hunter napping...

So Hunter is napping right now...I love this! I was ready for a battle too, but he went down quite easily within a short 5 mins or so. I guess he is getting used to his crib and new room. Now I am missing him though as usually he naps in his swing in the living room where I can watch him...Oh well I will still go in a check on him here and there, especially because he figured out how to flip over and is sleeping on his stomach! It makes me nervous, but he seems to be okay.

Thanksgiving....again.....Jeremy style..

So after a wonderful Thanksgiving with our friends..Jeremy decided he wanted his own bird....mainly because he likes the "leftover" sandwiches he can make with the meat...So he got himself a bird and made some yummy stuffing with sausage in it and he was quite happy! So was I because I get to enjoy it too!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Go Hunter Go!

Hunter wasn't sure about his activity gym at first but he is warming up to it....

Hunter's 1st Thanksgiving

This is what Hunter did most of the night...
We had a nice time at our friends home for Thanksgiving. The table was beautiful, the food was great and little Hunter slept through most of it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Where's Hunter?

We took a nice walk today. I love fall with all the leaves turning colors, and especially because it means Starbucks has its yummy pumpkin spice lattes...mmmm. Can you find Hunter somewhere under those blankets??

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bath time!

Hunter just got his bath for the evening. It's so funny how he hates diaper changes but LOVES baths. He looks so relaxed in the bath and really seems to like it (although in this picture he looks a little surprised!) I can't wait for his hair to be longer so I can slick it up with shampoo!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


So today Hunter finally napped on his own and in his CRIB! This is a good  great day!I had to let him cry it out a bit and remember to not jump to his side just because he cries a little. He eventually drifted off to sleep dirty diaper and all. That's right, there is no way I am waking a sleeping baby just to change his diaper! Sorry little man but you can wait until nap time is over... Before today, napping consisted of rocking Hunter to sleep then hoping he is in a nice deep sleep and slowing moving him to his swing or crib only to have him cry the second his body hits the crib. Let me rephrase that, to have him scream in terror as if he is going through the most painful experience of his life. So it ends like this with Hunter back in my arms sleeping like a baby(no pun intended), drooling on my shirt...oh that's okay Hunter, I love having your drool saturate my shirt.. ; ) The latter version ends like this, Game score: Baby 1  Mom 0

Hunter taking his first nap in his crib...finally!
I should say this only happens 90% of the time, the other 10%  he will let me put him in his swing to nap. He is good about sleeping through the night though. I usually have to get up with him once or maybe twice, which is awesome compared to a month ago when it would be 4-5 times a night! Jokes on me though, tonight I am going to attempt to have him sleep in his crib all night and not in my room...we'll see how this goes...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stop making my baby cry!!!

I got a great birthday present this year....not really..I got to watch my poor baby get his 2 month vaccination shots on my birthday = (  Poor little man did so well though, I think it was much more tragic for me..I thought I'd share that awful day with you guys..Oh and for the happier part of the day I got flowers, balloons and adorable Halloween birthday cupcakes to enjoy!

Gramma and Hunter

This is the first time Gramma BS(don't ask) held Hunter....she was so happy and proud. I love this picture, makes me so happy looking at it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where did my newborn baby go?

Hunter is 2 1/2 months old now and I cannot believe it! I was just looking at his newborn pictures from when we were in the hospital and the first few days at home, and I can see a HUGE difference! It scares me how fast time is going by. I don't want him to grow up yet I want him to because it's so exciting to see more and more of a little personality coming out. He now "talks" to us and tell us his "stories"..He smiles all the time now and we can even get little laughs out of him once in a while. I love that! He is finally sleeping a good portion of the night, which is heaven for me because I was pretty much over the whole not sleeping thing!

Why is my baby the only one crying????

Hunter had a play date with his other baby friends last month for Halloween...It was so fun to see all of them together. Some of them even had costumes and everything..I think next year I will have an easier time finding a cute costume for him to wear...at this age pretty much the only thing I could find was a pumpkin...I plan on being a little more creative next year ; )

Chillin' in his swing

Hunter just enjoying swinging in his swing...I love hearing his little noises he makes..so cute I smile every time I hear them. He is starting to "talk" more and more.

Dreaming of Chai...

I was reading a blog I have come to enjoy quite a lot by Jess, her blog is irocksowhat.blogspot.com and she mentioned how she found a new chai tea she liked. It's called Flamingo Vanilla from David Rio and it's absolutely AMAZING. It's sugar free and decaf which I love because I am not so into caffeine (makes me too jittery). You can buy it online or at your local World Market if you have one in your area. I was quite skeptical at first because being from Seattle and a Starbucks Snob I didn't think it would be anything special. I was so wrong and I can't believe I am saying this but I think I like it better than their Pumpkin Spice latte's...AHHH, yes I just said that, there...I am currently out of the first canister I bought and I am very bummed since World Market is not open right now..why can't anything other than Walmart be open 24hrs???? Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sleepy boy

Hunter is sleeping on me right now..he keeps farting too, I can't stop laughing. Who knew babies have so much gas?? He looks so sweet when he sleeps. Why can't he always be this sweet? (sorry Hunter, you know I love you..)