Hunter has his 4 month wellness check up this Thursday. I am anxious to find out his weight and get my many questions from the Dr. answered. I never mentioned anything about Hunter's appointment with the specialist so I will explain that...Hunter has a gurgling sound he makes since just about the time we brought him home from the hospital. I wasn't concerned at first but then it never went away. It didn't happen all the time but a lot of the time. We mentioned this to his Dr. and she thought it was Laryngomalacia. Which basically means he has an immature airway and it collapses instead of just falling back when he takes a breath. She said it is very common and usually fixes itself with time. But just to be sure she sent us to a specialist and we were told it's most likely fine but the only concern is Hunter's weight. He is on the small side, he was 10lbs 3oz at that appointment 12/16/10. He is thriving everywhere else, very active, alert, happy, hitting all the milestones etc. It could be just a coincidence that he is on the low end in weight or he could be burning calories with the extra effort it takes to breathe for him with the Laryngomalacia. So she said let's see how he is at his 4 month check up and go from there. Basically the other route would be to put him under anesthesia so she could look farther down his throat to see if there is a cyst or something like that that needs to be removed. I was completely freaked out when she said "operating room", "anesthesia", I wanted to cry right then and there. I held it together--at least until after the Dr. left the room, then of course I broke down! I am not going to worry too much (try not to worry at least) until we see what his primary care Dr. says and how he is doing come Thursday.
Wow, I never knew having a child could completely put life in a totally new perspective for me. Now I can really understand why parents just say they just want a happy and healthy child....Hunter is perfectly happy and healthy which I am thankful for but this breathing thing just freaks me out! The specialist did reassure us that it's very common and most cases it goes away on it's own just fine. I will update more after his appointment.
On this more fun side of things..Hunter has started sucking his thumb! I really didn't want him to start that habit but right now I can't help but smile and laugh when he does it because it's so darn cute! He has never taken a pacifier (maybe once or twice) he just spits it out. He can roll over back and forth with no problem at all! Poor guy though does it so much in his crib he gave himself little rug burns = (. He is really starting to show his little personality now, which I love! He is a little charmer, full of smiles and laughs! He has his cranky moments too, it's not all perfect...mostly though, hehe. Lately though he really HATES his carseat, just seeing it he starts to cry, so that has been a challenge. Like when we are at the grocery store or Target etc, he is okay for a very short time then the crying begins and I have to carry him and push the cart at the same time which doesn't help when I want to shop fast. I should wear my sling but I always forget. I have the moby wrap which I loved at first but then it's really annoying to wrap it with all the material and just not as quick and easy as I would have liked. It's still fine for home but not on the go for me. I am kind of interested in the Ergo baby carrier...we'll see though. Bye for now!
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