Thursday, March 10, 2011

6 month stats

Hunter had his 6mos appt today and he did great as usual. He had a total of FOUR shots! He cried and then as soon as it was over he was fine again. Once he was home he was just really sleepy like usual after he gets shots. He took a nice 3 1/2 hour nap! His doctor was very happy with his growth and motor skills. I asked her about early intervention and she referred me to a couple places to check out. This would simply be for his communication since he won't be able to speak for a while. This program would help with some sign language etc. He will however be able to get a speaking valve for his trach which would allow him to make sounds and possibly even talk when he is a little older. Part of me wants to fast forward to when Hunter gets his trach out but I know that is selfish because I should be enjoying every single second right now. I am enjoying him and life now but I still hate that he has to deal with a trach! Even though he seems fine with it. Thankfully kids adjust much better than us adults!

I gave Hunter a sippy cup today with his formula in it, he didn't really hold it on his own but at least he drank from it no problem. The doctor also told me he can have soft table foods and those little puffs that melt in your mouth. He's growing up so fast!

Hunters 6 month stats
weight 15.1 lbs 25%
height 27 1/4  80%
head 43.1 cm 50%

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