Saturday, May 21, 2011

hunter, stop scaring your mama!!,

Yesterday was a nice day with Hunter. We had a fun play date at Ashley and Preston's with about 5 of the girls in my mommy group. Hunter in a good mood and even fell asleep on me in the middle of it all. It was beyond precious =)  Yesterday evening was a different story....We put Hunter to bed about 9pm and from the get go his oxygen monitor was going off, he was lower than normal for his oxygen levels. It would go up and then back down etc etc. We knew last time this happened he got a nasty virus. I was praying that's not what is was again. We also noticed he was breathing heavier than normal and the mucus in his trach was yellowish instead of the normal clear. Neither Jeremy or I could barely sleep debating if we should wait until morning to call the doctor or go into emergency. We decided to be safe than sorry. So we headed down to UNM Childrens Hospital's ER. We luckily got in right away, Hunter got chest xrays, a nebulizer treatment, and even some IV fluids. Turns out he does has that nasty virus again, bronchiolitis. It's basically bronchitis for babies and I have come to HATE it!! He just had a case of this a month ago!

I knew they would admit Hunter for overnight observation, because with his trach, we have to be extra cautious. Unfortunately, with having a trach you are more susceptible to getting sick because it's an open airway right to the lungs..The good news is that he is doing much better, breathing better, getting some antibiotics to help and some much needed rest tonight as last night and today was a very long day for all of us! He did give us a bit of a scare, he started coughing and it seemed like he wasn't getting enough air, I called the nurse and we tried to suction his trach but we got nothing, I knew we had to do a trach change and FAST! I was nervous but I stayed calm and the nurse took his trach out and I put in the new one and Hunter calmed down and his color came back and he was just fine. He got pretty pale for a second and looked a little dazed. That was just because his oxygen was lower than normal. Turns out his trach had a good size mucus plug that was blocking his airway. Just another reminder to myself, "when in doubt, change it out". That is what we were taught from the beginning from the nurses after Hunter got his trach in.

I must admit, I always think the worst when Hunter gets sick. I hate that I do that but my mind starts to wander. I need to remind myself that kids get sick all the time and they get better. I got sick as a kid many times I'm sure. I'm doing fine, it's just a part of life, getting sick. I don't like it though! There is nothing in the world worse than seeing your baby not feel good and not be able to "make it better" right away. I also get upset that Hunter has to deal with this trach stuff and I can't explain to him why. I probably sound like a whiner right now, sorry....

I am hopeful Hunter can go home tomorrow but if not most likely Monday. They just want to be sure he is well enough before they send him home. With these sort of virus' you basically just have to let it run it's course, which may take a few days to a week or so. Hang in there little man, I love you sooooooo much and before you know it, we'll back back home playing with your doggies and all your toys. love you, mom.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of all of you and will say prayers for Hunter to get well and feel great again. Love to all, Mom, Gramma
