For Halloween this year we went to a retirement home with my mommy group. It was so fun for us and the residents to see the kiddos dressed up and they handed out candy and some of the residents were even dressed up..very cute! Hunter is usually the sweetest, happiest baby....nope, not today though. He wanted nothing to do with walking down the halls "trick or treating"...he was full blown tantrum throwing all over the took both me and my mom to handle him as we switched hands and swapped who pushed the stroller to give each other a little, where did my little darling baby go??? Let's hope this attitude is not here to stay!
Of course once we left the building, Hunter was as happy as could be...he just LOVES being outside and walking all over...never on the side walk though, he always wants to be on the ROCKS next to the side walk...oh well, whatever makes you happy little man. He just wanted to do his own thing. Minus the whole terrible he's-not-even-close-to-two-yet-two's, he sure looked adorable in his little dragon costume...
Later in the day, we got home and got ready for the trick or treaters...we had plenty of candy to pass out...we ended up with only about 10 trick or treaters total! So now we are left with way too much candy, now next year when I don't buy much candy..we'll get loads of kids..I just know it...
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