Today marks two whole years since Hunter got his trach. Taking myself back to that day is sometime I don't like to do. I did however, want to remember it today because I am so grateful for my sweet Hunter and proud of him for being to brave and such a good little boy.
I remember going to the hospital for Hunter's "procedure" just to "look" and see what was going on in his little airway...little is the key word. Poor guy was breathing through a little airway the size of a coffee stir straw. I remember after they took him back the nurse said the doctor will come back out to the waiting room to get us and talk about what she found. She also said sometimes they bring you into a room to discuss things but it doesn't mean anything bad has happened.......
After about double the time they said it would take, the nurse then said the doctor would see us in that little room....I was terrified to say the least...but at the same time I told myself, it's okay, the nurse said it doesn't mean anything bad happened. So while waiting for the doctor in their...Jeremy and I were upbeat, anxious to hear it was nothing severe. Once the doctor arrived and explained to us that Hunter's airway is dangerously small, I began to tear up immediately. Was I hearing this right? The only option was a tracheostomy??? What the heck is that??? She said we needed to make our decision right away, she left the room and gave us about 5 mins. We had no other choice, we told her to go ahead with it. I felt so awful at that sweet boy came into the hospital just fine and now he's having major surgery!
We were a mess....beside ourselves. I only wish we had a clue that day, of what our future would become...that everything was going to be okay. It sure would have helped that frightening day we had.
After a few more scares ( not being able to get Hunter stable after surgery, air in his lungs etc ), we finally got to see our sweet boy. I remember being scared yet beyond happy to finally see him. I will never locking eyes with him and watching a small tear roll down his cheek....I wanted so badly to swap places with him.
Fast forward, several more doctors appointments, procedures, surgery, traveling several times to Cincinnati to see Dr. Rutter, Hunter is doing amazing....He's left with the hole from where the trach was, but other than that you'd never know what this boy went through. I love him beyond words...
(me, trying to look happy for hunter) |
and a picture from big boy...
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