Wednesday, December 19, 2012

SANTA 2012


Can you believe the difference in two years????? It's crazy! This year Hunter obviously wasn't too impressed with Santa...doesn't surprise me, we've been asking him for a while now if he's excited to go see Santa and he's been telling us "no" every time...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas....

Tree is up, stockings are hung, first batch of "Reindeer Chow" has been made..Now to celebrate the season....

love, love our xmas cards this year...

Not loving our Christmas tree, is quite dinky...we've had it for several years and each year we keep saying we'll get one when they go on sale after Christmas...well we always say it and never do it! Okay, this year we really are going to do it! Really really...I'm's time our dinky xmas tree least as the main xmas tree in our house that is...I have three up this year ; )

So Christmas 2013, you can expect a HUGE xmas tree...well "as long as it fits in our house huge that is... "

Got a deal on Zulily for Tiny Prints for the xmas cards...I love how they turned out..Thank you Cara, for taking such precious pictures!....Sending them to Family and Friends back home...Merry Christmas my Washington Friends and Family..miss you all.
I got a little emotional when I was addressing the envelopes and realized I wouldn't be able to send one to my Gramma this year...Very strange feeling still. Love you tons, gram...miss you more..

Friday, December 7, 2012

I know, I's been way too long!! I have no good excuses for negleting my blog for this long. Anyways, hope this adorable video helps....I promise to be a better blogger for a while after this... ; )

And I'll share some pictures of our last few fun weeks we've been having....

never without a train or a truck

trying to turn around on his horse..

just relaxing

he wanted to actually put on his christmas stocking

can't get him away from his trucks...

just ate at firshouse good!

he was copying the doggy but laying down...silly boy

did some xmas shopping and he ran right to the truck...surprise, surprise...

hardly touched his thanksgiving dinner...too busy with his truck..