Monday, February 20, 2012

Random thoughts

So I booked our tickets to Cincinnati next month. Time is flying by. I can't believe in one month we'll meeting with these great doctors for Hunter. Time to start slowly getting things ready for the trip as we'll have a lot to bring with us.
We plan on making a little vacation out of our trip. We plan on checking out the Zoo and they have a great aquarium and children's museum.

I still have to make Hunter's 18 month appt for the end of the month. Holy cow 18 months! Before I know it, I will have a 2 year old!

Hunter has been fighting a cold the last few days. He is such a good sport about it. He definitely isn't fully himself but he also deals with it so well. Yesterday he just chilled on the couch with me and played on the iPad or watched movies with me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, February 16, 2012

One year ago today, our world changed..On this day last year, Hunter got his trach placed. It was the scariest day of my life and yet looking back it was such a blessing for Hunter to get his trach as he thrives everyday because of it. He is our world. Love you little man

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's for dinner tonight?

This is such a yummy and EASY recipe...that's why I love it. Go ahead make it, and enjoy...

Sweet 'n Sour Meatballs

For the meatballs:
2 lbs ground beef (or turkey works too)
2 TBSP cornstarch
2 tsp salt 
4 TBSP onion
Mix and form into meatballs and fry. 

For the sauce:
In a saucepan low to medium heat, cook slowly until thickened:
2 TBSP oil
2 TBSP soy sauce
2 TBSP cornstarch
1 cup sugar(you can half that and it's fine too, or even use splenda I'm sure)
3/4 cup water
4 TBSP vinegar
1 large can of pineapple tidbits
2 large green peppers chopped (1 will do)

Simmer the fried meatballs in the sauce to get the flavor in the meatballs. Serve over hot rice!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

These pictures are from this past week...random fun stuff...Hunter is at such a fun age!! He is such a quick learner...he can now find his "Elmo" apps on the ipad and pushes the correct buttons to get his songs and videos to play..Yep, my kid is pretty awesome...

at the balloon museum for stoytime

he wore his backpack all day

guess we'll have to get him his own bike soon....haha

I had known what my next post was going to be about for a while now but I haven't wanted to write about it because it's very sad news. Remember little baby Evan Wolfe that I wrote about a while back? After fighting a long and courageous battle against a brain tumor, Evan passed away January 21st 2012. Two days after his first birthday. I was able to go to his memorial that was held soon after and let me tell you, my heart sank just walking in the doors of the church. When I think of funerals I think of the elderly who have lived a long and full life, not a baby who's life had just began. I could not hold back the stream of tears as the slide show of pictures of little Evans angelic face were shown. I just can't imagine what his parents are going through and feeling.

 Please say a little prayer for this sweet family..His story can be found here.