Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh the joys of teething!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hunter has been teething for a while now and his favorite thing to do is gnaw on anything he can get his mouth on, whether it be a toy, a chair leg, or my finger....I can't imagine how sore his gums must feel. It kills me to see him in pain and you can't explain to him why he hurts! So far, it hasn't been that bad(knock on wood) he gets fussy off and on but it doesn't seem to last long after a nice dose of baby Tylenol and a warm bottle. His first tooth broke through end of last week and it seems to be showing more and more everyday. I can't remember the exact day it happened and I didn't write it down! Bad mom!! Unless I write something down right away I may not remember it..either I'm getting old or I just have a lot on my plate right now....

Another thing that works REALLY well for teething in my opinion is the Munchkin food feeders, you can fill it up with frozen fruit or veggies and Hunter just goes to town, love those things!

Oh and today at the Dr.'s we learned Hunter has baby eczema! I'm like anything else please??? It doesn't help that I live in one of the dryest states in the country! That's it, we have to move back to Seattle for more humidity!! hehe....okay maybe not yet but soon I hope..  His poor face is all red and dry. The Dr. told me to get a special cream for him and so far it's working quite well. I noticed a huge difference within a couple of hours of putting it on. Luckily his dry skin can be managed though, we just need to lather him up often with plenty of lotion. Cetaphil Restoraderm and baby Aquaphor have been life savors...they seem to work really well and with fast results..

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