Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I never mean for it to be so long in between posts but better late than never right? Today we had a fun pot luck with my mommy group at a nearby park. I haven't seen most of the mom's in a few months with traveling for Hunter's stuff etc. So it was nice to catch up a bit. I wish I could have chatted more but watching Hunter proved to be a bit challenging. He is ALL OVER THE PLACE! Swings, now slide, now monkey bars, now running, now trying to hide from mommy...you name it! He had a blast though. I tried to get him to eat some of the yummy food that was there but he wasn't having it, he wanted to play instead.

Westside Babies and Momma's!

watching for airplanes!


Hunter has continued to do awesome with his capping. He caps all day and at night he wears a humidity collar around his trach or an HME. I still pray he stays healthy for our next big trip to Cincinnati...fingers crossed! August is creeping up on us already...I need to start checking out flights again for Jeremy and get in touch with insurance about getting flights for Hunter and I. We are so thankful to have help with all the travel expenses. It sure would be much harder without them paying for some.

Tomorrow we are going to the Rio Rancho 4th of July parade. I can't wait to see Hunter's reaction. He LOVES trucks, cars, motorcycles etc...and it's full of them! We went last year and Hunter was a little young to appreciate it still. Unfortunately, Jeremy won't make it but he'll be with us the rest of the day after he leaves work.

Work for myself is going good. We are in a temporary location (same building though) while they decide if they are going to remodel our old store or we just got word they may even look for a whole new retail location for us. So until they decide, we stay in our temporary location. It's not too bad, it took a while getting used to though.

Hmm what else....oh Grandpa and Grandma Lampkin came into town last week..They drive a semi truck cross country so the pass through his every now and then. Hunter had a blast checking out the HUGE truck. He was on cloud nine watching all the trucks drive by. His favorite word is truck..or as he says "hut"...

I took a couple of pics but none with all of them looking at the same time!

Well that's all for now I suppose...I'm having a tough time thinking of topics to write about (other than Hunter of course)!....I think I will check out some idea's to write about online and see what interests me. Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July! Tomorrow I'll have some fun pics from our celebrations!

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