Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Randomness from this past week

As you may remember I attempted potty training a little more seriously with Hunter...yeah, major fail....He wanted pretty much nothing to do with it. Well, other than wearing his super cool new Cars underwear that is...He would sit on the potty chair but I could tell he was just playing around and he would still just bring me a diaper to be changed. I will try again later but it's not the end of the world...oh well.

Over the weekend we went to see the "Smurfs" movie that was playing at a nearby park. Hunter wasn't too into the movie but he sure had fun running around and climbing all over daddy.

We got all our tickets squared away for Cincinnati. So that's a big scratch off the never ending "to do" list for me. Still have to call the airline and try to get our seats together and let them know about Hunter's suction machine we will have on the plane with us. It's been so nice we hardly ever use that thing anymore! Maybe once every other day, if that. With having him capped there's hardly anything to do! Such a strange feeling...but a good one. Really hoping we come back trach free from this trip!

My mom comes home today after a week in Seattle...she got to meet her 2nd Grandchild! Little Presley is just darling....her friend Larry also joined so they did the whole touristy thing, pike place, Boeing, Seattle underground tour (which is AWESOME) and of course they went the the Original Starbucks...I can't wait for our next trip there...hoping soon. My dad will come flying down here for Hunter's birthday end of August so that's exciting... Can't wait for him to see Hunter again!

Lately we've been having some issues with getting Hunter to eat more than just snack food whenever he wants...He will eat applesauce or yogurt at dinner time but not the main course etc. Very frustrating. I know it's very normal as he is a toddler and all but still! I"m not sure whether to let him graze or insist he eats at meal times and if he doesn't eat then, then no food? Got to do some more reading up on that topic.

However, last few days we have discovered the amazingness of SMOOTHIES!....I can sneak in all really-good-for-you-spinach right along with the yummy strawberries and bananas etc...and he doesn't even know....not to mention he LOVES it...YAY!

I went out for a bit last night with Hunter and came out of the store to find the truck parked next to us....Thank you truck for leaving NO room to open the door and put my child into his car seat!!!!!!! GRRRRR I hate rude. I had to crawl over from the driver side of my car...super fun.

Okay enough's the pictures.....

chillin' in my underwear...yes HE insisted on wearing them like this...

perfect night for a movie


happy toddler = happy mama

smoothies and bambi...

getting muddy with daddy...don't mind the nasty pool water...oops..few days like that and you have a  nice little science project going

not sure who is walking

evening bike ride..

it was even worse than the picture looks!!

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